


Turismo Mercadeo Representaciones temairep limitada tmr es un representante de servicios turísticos comprometidos con la sostenibilidad sensibilizando y trasmitiendo estos conocimientos a nuestros proveedores y clientes. Trabajamos con Operadores que garantizan la prestación del servicio turístico en su destino. Difundimos la importancia de la conservación y cuidado de la riqueza natural y cultural, buscamos generar un bienestar social y económico. 

El apoyo a la protección del menor contra su explotación laboral y sexual es importante para nuestra empresa. Cumpliendo con los principales requisitos legales: 
La explotación sexual, la pornografía y el turismo sexual de menores de edad es sancionada con pena privativa de la libertad, de conformidad con lo previsto en la ley 679 de 2001 y la ley 1336 de 2009. 
La importación, exportación y transferencia de propiedad ilícita de bienes culturales, es prohibida y sancionada conforme a la ley 63 de 1986. 
La conservación y uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica de especies silvestres que se encuentran amenazadas en territorio nacional es obligatoria, de acuerdo a la ley 584 de 2002. 


Turismo Mercadeo Representaciones temairep limitada TMR is a provided of tourism services that is committed with sustainability by transmitting knowledge around the topic to his suppliers and customers. We work with operators to ensure the provision of tourism services at your destination. We spread the importance of conservation and care of the natural and cultural wealth, we seek to generate social and economic welfare, and looking at the same time to generate social and economical well-being. 

It is also important for our company to support the protection of minors against any child labor or sexual activity. Complying with the main legal requirements: 
The sexual exploitation, pornography and sex tourism of minors is punishable by deprivation of liberty, in accordance with the law 679 of 2001 and 1336 of 2009. 
The importation, exportation and transfer of unlawful ownership of cultural property is prohibited and punished according to law 63 of 1936. 
The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity of wild species that are endangered of the extinction in the national territory is obligatory according to law 584 of 2002. 


Turismo Mercadeo Representaciones Temairep Limitada TMR is a provided of tourism services that is committed with sustainability by transmitting knowledge around the topic to his suppliers and customers. We work with operators to ensure the provision of tourism services at your destination. We spread the importance of conservation and care of the natural and cultural wealth, we seek to generate social and economic welfare, and looking at the same time to generate social and economical well-being. It is also important for our company to support the protection of minors against any child labor or sexual activity. 

TMR está comprometido con las nuevas generaciones ayudando a conservar el planeta, por lo cual es fundamental sensibilizar a todos nuestros proveedores para que se comprometan con la sostenibilidad, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes comportamientos responsables: ahorrar agua, ahorrar energía, ser tolerantes, manejo responsable de residuos, reutilizar el papel , utilizar medio de transporte alternativos, reciclar, no traficar con especies , cuidar la naturaleza, usar energía limpia , realizar acciones amigables con el planeta y realizar acción social. 

TMR is committed to helping new generations to preserve the planet, which is fundamental to sensitize all our suppliers and customers to commit to sustainability taking into account the following behaviors responsible: save water, save energy, be tolerant, management responsible waste, reuse paper, use alternative means of transportation, recycling, not smuggle species, care for nature, use clean energy, make friendly actions to the planet and make social action.


¡Maravilla de la Naturaleza
Santa Marta impresionante!
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